Lee Sibley By Lee Sibley 3 years ago

Porsche 996 exhaust Gundo hack review

Is the gundo hack exhaust mod worth it? We find out with before and after sound comparisons…

Is the Gundo hack worth it?! I’ve had the mod done to my Porsche 996 Carrera so in this video I show you how it’s done, before giving you a comprehensive review of the new exhaust note, featuring cold-start and rolling acceleration comparisons against both the factory OE system and bolt-on Dansk Sport mufflers.

This cost-effective mod, carried out by the guys at Wrightune, has put a HUGE smile on my face and has to be the best-value upgrade I’ve done to my Porsche 996, but it’s not for everybody, so I’ve weighed up the pros and cons so you can decide for yourself if it’s worth it for any Porsche.