Lee Sibley By Lee Sibley 3 years ago

40 years of 911 Cabriolets

9WERKS Radio honours four decades of 911 Cabriolets with your complete model rundown, plus an expert look at the Cabriolet marketplace and mechanical gremlins to watch out for

9WERKS Radio is back! The new series kicks off with a catch-up on Porsche news including the newly launched Sport Classic, updates on our projects and plans for the show season for this year and next. We then deep-dive into the Porsche 911 Cabriolet, we detail the model’s 40-year history, before revealing common Cabriolet issues to look out for with help from Chris at @wrightune, then we discuss values with expert opinion from Jason at @paragonporsche, plus we share our opinions and those of our Patreons on the open-topped version of the Porsche 911.
