Lee Sibley By Lee Sibley 3 years ago

How to become a racing driver *Part One*

Follow the 9WERKS story as we go from sofa to circuit, racing in a 986 Porsche Boxster

It’s every petrolhead’s dream to go racing, but with extortionate costs involved it’s something that’s usually only open to the well-off. But what if there was a programme which opened the doors for the ‘every man and woman’ to try their hand at racing, at grassroots level? That’s exactly what Rindt Vehicle Design are doing with their ‘Arrive & Drive’ concept… and I was one of the first to pilot it.

So, can a normal guy with no racing experience whatsoever go from sofa to circuit in a competitive race? In this two-part instalment, I share my journey to racing, via acquiring my ARDS licence, testing my hired race car, before the race itself – all achieved through Rindt Vehicle Design.

Interested in giving it a go for yourself? Contact Brian at Rindt for more information via Instagram: @Rindt Vehicle Design

More information on how I acquired my UK racing licence is documented here.
