Lee Sibley By Lee Sibley 3 years ago

Is the Porsche market heading for a price correction?

After a period of inflated prices for blue chip and nearly-new Porsche, are we heading for a correction? Two independent specialists give us their views…

Where is the Porsche market heading this summer? There’s been plenty of talk around how global uncertainty and a rise in the cost of living might affect commodities such as Porsches, but has this played out in the marketplace? What can we expect to happen to values of used Porsches in 2022?

To find out, I got the inside line from two reputable UK independent Porsche specialists who have plenty of experience in the Porsche marketplace. Jonathan Franklin from Jonathan Franklin Cars and Greig Daly from RPM Technik comment on how the Porsche market has developed so far this year, before offering insight into what they think will happen for used Porsche values this summer.
